
Scope, Areas Or Types Of Marketing Audit

Scope, Areas or Types of Marketing Audit

There are no fixed guidelines regarding the scope, areas or types of marketing audit. In other words, the reach of marketing audit is non fixed. It changes from companionship to company. Each companionship tin dismiss brand its ain marketing audit plan. However, the reach of marketing audit must include the next areas or types:

There are no fixed guidelines regarding the reach Scope, Areas or Types of Marketing Audit

The half dozen of import types of marketing audit are:

  1. Marketing Environment Audit.
  2. Marketing Strategy Audit.
  3. Marketing Organization Audit.
  4. Marketing Systems Audit.
  5. Marketing Productivity Audit.
  6. Marketing Function Audit.

Now let's hash out each primary surface area or type of marketing audit.

1. Marketing Environment Audit

Marketing Environment Audit consists of the external surround of company. It includes natural environment, economical environment, political environment, demographic environment, etc. The marketing audit analyses the marketing consumer, competitors, suppliers, too thus on. This audit helps the companionship to brand marketing strategies.

2. Marketing Strategy Audit

Marketing Strategy Audit is a critical analysis of marketing objectives too strategies. It finds out whether the company's marketing objectives are clear too proper. It too examines the marketing strategies of the company. This audit is done to honour out the utility of the marketing strategies.

3. Marketing Organization Audit

Marketing Organization Audit is a systematic written report of the company's organizational resources similar manpower, organization, structure, employee preparation too development, Research too Development facilities, motivation, communication too working relations.

4. Marketing Systems Audit

Marketing Systems Audit finds out the company's might of collecting too analyzing data. It looks for the company's might to conception too command the marketing activities. It too studies the company's marketing information system, planning too command system, etc.

5. Marketing Productivity Audit

Marketing Productivity Audit finds out the profitability of the company's products. It examines the markets. It too examines the mensurate to amend cost-effectiveness.

6. Marketing Function Audit

Marketing Function Audit is a consummate written report of marketing functions inward relation to the product, price, advertisement too house of distribution. So, it is an audit of the marketing mix (4 P's) of the company.


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